For those of you that have been visiting our blog THANK YOU for helping us to make our kickoff a success! This blog was actually a surprise gift to me from a very dear friend. Debra Sumner (2MrsSumners) has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. I can never thank her enough for all of the help, mentoring and just downright fun that we have shared. Kim (Lilsky) also offered her assistance in making this blog happen and I extend my gratitude to her as well. (Kims kits are available in our DIP store)
At the time that these two ladies were working on the blog, I was losing a friend of twenty years to a 3 year battle with cancer. As I sat with her in hospice, Deb and Kim were working on this gift without my knowledge. As God claimed one friend and took her home; He blessed me with the realization that tomorrow truly does hold promise if we will only allow ourselves to recognize it.I will always miss my friend.
If God has ever allowed an angel to walk this earth, it was her. My strongest memory of her is that during her own battle with cancer, I too had a cancer scare and the talk of chemo following surgery had been discussed. Sitting in a wheelchair with no hair; her arms and feet numbed from her own chemo she assured me that she would be there holding my hand every step of the way.
I simply recall looking down on her and thinking that I had been blessed with my very own angel. That at a time when she was losing the battle for her own life, she could think of nothing more than trying to calm my fears and ease my pain. I did not have cancer, but I do not doubt that she would have held true with her promise had the results been different.
I have known Debra Sumner for less than a year. Though we have never met face to face, my heart has witnessed a beautiful lady. Her friendship continues to mean more to me everyday and having her in my life has genuinely helped me accept the loss of another true friend. I know that I have been blessed so much more than I deserve. One friend cannot replace another; but Deb being in my life has made my loss easier to accept. I still have someone to share with, someone to laugh with and someone to go forward with.
If we have any wishes answered, any gifts or rewards offered once we leave this earth; I do believe that my dear friend of so long would have wished this for me. She knew that losing her would leave a tremendous hole in the hearts of the people that she left behind. Even in death she is still holding my hand and trying to ease my pain.
In celebration of life and friendship I have combined the following scrapbook pages. Using kits from 2MrsSumners that can be purchased at the DIP store. I do this to recognize how much I appreciate all of the hours of work that Deb has devoted to making our little place a success. She isn't on my payroll, we don't have one. She is simply my best friend and gives constantly of both her time and knowledge. I can think of no better way than to showcase her work here in the blog that she has worked on relentlessly since its creation. The kit choices represent our friendship and the photos of my son and grand baby represent life and moving ahead.
I do not know where this blog may lead. I hope to meet many new friends and share our love of digital scrapping. I hope that our blog can eventually become a place that is much like our favorite neighbors dining room table; where we can share our thoughts while we drink a cup of coffee with those that will accept us and be happy that we are together. This blog has been one of the greatest gifts that I have ever received because it truly represents the coming together of hearts; and the unselfishness of friendship.
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Who says an Easter kit has to be used strictly for Easter scrapping?
This page was created with 2MrsSumners Easter kit and is available in our store.

What better way to celebrate summer than with vibrant colors full of life and boldness? This page was created with 2MrsSumners Stars and Stripes kit and is available in our store.

Maybe they aren't quite babies any longer, but a mother's heart knows that some things never change. It seems only yesterday that my son was no bigger than my grandson here in the photos. The following two pages were created with 2MrsSumners Sweet Baby Boy kit and is available in our store.
God is so good. Thank you for sharing about your friends. It was so uplifting. Thank you also for this great freebie.
You don't know how reading your blog has touched my heart. I am going thru the same thing now with a dear friend - one I've never met face-to-face but have come to know thru digiscrapping. Her name is Sandi Tice, who sells under the name Sandi's Scraps. She's a two time breast cancer survivor who suffered painful nerve damage during her reconstructive surgery. Despite that, she thought she was doing well until Dec. What was thought to be pneumonia turned out to be lung cancer! It's metastasized and, as you know, all treatment now is just buying time. But she's such a trooper! Had just found out what was going on when the breast cancer marathon was held in her town. Even though sick from chemo, she went to hand out water to the runners. She's a wonderful person. I've just helped her get a few of her kit sback on lline at ScrappersZone & that has her so tickled. Thanks for sharing your story &, of course, the goodies. Hugs!
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